What are the strengths of AEPS in measuring each of the three OSEP child outcome reporting areas?(positive social-emotional skills, acquisition and use of knowledge and skills, and use of appropriate behaviors to meet individual needs)?
One of the biggest strengths of the AEPS-3 system is its highly sensitive test. The AEPS-3 Test items measure small increments of development that result in a more accurate assessment of a child’s performance across eight comprehensive areas. This makes a crucial difference for children with delays, whose progress can go unnoticed by less sensitive instruments.
The assessment not only accurately measures child performance, but also helps you ensure that children make real progress. Test items are seamlessly linked to curricular content designed to address the precise skills uncovered by the test results to be next on a child’s developmental path. The AEPS-3 Curriculum is designed to improve children’s skills across the board, including the three OSEP Child Outcomes.
Finally, you can be confident that child outcomes data reported with AEPSi are accurate if the test has been completed according to its specified guidelines. The research behind the expertly validated crosswalk of the AEPS-3 Test with OSEP Indicator #3 (Part C) and Indicator #7 (Part B, Section 619) helps ensure that AEPS-3 measures the outcomes specified by the OSEP indicators.