What handouts can I provide to parents before, during, and after assessment?
AEPS-3 supports placement of children in inclusive environments and fosters collaboration among teachers, specialists, family members, and other caregivers.
Caregiver and family input and participation are important to assessment, goal/outcome selection, teaching/intervention, and progress monitoring of young children. Caregiver involvement greatly enhances the likelihood of successful outcomes for children and their families. AEPS-3 offers family handouts and forms to support work with families, including three tools for gathering input from and sharing information with families: Family Report, FACS, and Child Progress Record. The family support materials are available in English and Spanish and can be found in AEPSi and on the Forms USB.
Before Assessment
AEPS-3 Family Materials Family Handout
This family-friendly handout introduces the three family forms in the AEPS-3 system. -
8 AEPS-3 Developmental Areas Family Handout
Share this colorful handout with families to explain the developmental areas of AEPS-3. -
What is AEPS-3? Family Handout
Designed to be shared with families, this friendly handout provides a brief overview of AEPS-3.
During the Assessment
- The Family Report is a critical part of the system because it provides a formal mechanism to obtain important information about the child from parents or other caregivers.
- The FACS (Family Assessment of Child Skills) offers a second formal mechanism to gather important information about the child from parents or other caregivers. Its purpose is to collect detailed input about a child’s developmental skills as assessed by a familiar adult. FACS items parallel the AEPS-3 Test’s developmental content and are written in user-friendly language that most caregivers can understand. The easy-to-answer questions about a child’s skills are organized within the same developmental areas as AEPS-3: Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Adaptive, Social-Emotional, Social-Communication, Cognitive, Literacy, and Math.
After the Assessment
- The AEPS-3 Child Progress Record displays initial assessment and subsequent progress monitoring information in a family-friendly way, with an accessible visual format that families and team members alike appreciate. The items on the Child Progress Record parallel those on the AEPS-3 Test.