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In order to update account information take the following steps: Log in to your account Select the Account you wish to edit from the drop down. Click on the View Account button: Choose the Edit button in the section to update. Make desired changes. Select Save button to confirm changes.
Log in with your username and password. From the dashboard, click on the 3-line icon to show the left navigation pane. From the navigation menu, choose Accounts and Programs Choose account Select name of desired Program from Programs. Click on the name of child you wish to assign a provider. On the Child Summary page, select the link Edit Team next
To generate a Classroom Report as a Program Administrator or Provider : Click the user dropdown menu to select your program. 2. Click "View Program". 3. You will be taken to the Program Details page. Under the Classroom section, click on the name of the classroom you would like to run the report. 4. After you select the report you wish to r
These are the various training options at this time: AEPS-3 Webinars , presented by AEPS experts and hosted by Brookes on Location, help ensure that staff members know AEPS-3 inside and out. AEPS-3 Training Institutes are held multiple times each year in different locations. All professionals are able to register for these training institutes. Pleas
Once the program exit date for a child is known, enter that information on the child profile. Until the exit date is known, you may leave the field blank. If a valid date is not entered, the child won't be included in the OSEP Progress Data Reports.
When your account is first created by the Implementation team, only one user is added - the account administrator. Once the account administrator is created then it is their responsibility to add other users to the account. After an account administrator is added to the account a program administrator must be added. Typically, the account administ
This report shows each child’s AEPS Test scores by Area for the first test and the last test recorded for the child during the date range selected and shows any progress made. Use this report to get a quick snapshot of the developmental progress of these children over time.
The Assessment Export provides a csv export of the individual scores for each item in the AEPS -3 Test. The export also includes the child demographic information and any custom fields. The Assessment export generates a report that contains all the questions in the AEPSi test as well as demographic data, custom fields, Overall Raw Score, Overall
In the new system, child profiles will have an AEPSi ID that is autogenerated and different from the current AEPSi. There is also an optional alternate Child ID for you to enter a unique identifier.
AEPS-3 cannot be used in the current version of AEPSi ( Programs should subscribe to the new online system for AEPS-3. For information on how to order the new AEPSi system, visit
The age range for AEPS-3 is birth to six years.
The AEPS-3 Child Observation Data Form and AEPS-3 Ready-Set are available in Spanish, along with the AEPS-3 Family Report, AEPS-3 Family Assessment of Child Skills, and AEPS-3 Child Progress Record. The family handouts, Quick Reference Guides, and planning forms are also available in Spanish. All Spanish materials can be accessed on the AEPS-3 Forms
To generate a Child Report as a Program Administrator: Click the user dropdown menu to select your program. Click "View Program". You will be taken to the Program Details page. Under the Children section, click on the name of the child you would like to run the report for. You will be taken to the Child Summary page. In the Child Reports section, se
There is no restriction on how many providers can be assigned. However, there can only be one lead provider.
AEPS-3 is a comprehensive, reliable, linked system that seamlessly ties together assessment, goal/outcome development, teaching/intervention, and progress monitoring for children ages birth to six years old. AEPS-3 is a seamless birth to 6 assessment tool.
Longtime AEPS users will be familiar with much of the content and processes in this new third edition. The foundational model shaping AEPS-3 remains unchanged: AEPS-3 is still a linked system that directly connects assessment to goal development to intervention/teaching and progress monitoring. While test items have been revised and reorganized into
To add or assign a Provider to a child profile, take the following steps: Select Children from the left side bar navigation. Click "View" next to the child profile. Select "Edit Team" next to Providers. Click Add New Provider . Select the provider from the dropdown menu and "Yes" or "No" for lead provider. Click SAVE.
Yes, in order for the Ready-Set to be considered finalized, you must complete all 40 items. The AEPS-3 Ready-Set pulls 40 developmentally advanced goals from the AEPS-3 for a concise measure focused on school readiness. The shorter Ready-Set supports convenient assessment of groups of children in preschool and Head Start classrooms. AEPS-3 Ready-Set
The Present Level of Functioning report shows all items from an assessment grouped by score: Mastered (2), Emerging (1), and Not Yet Observed (0). Use this report to: Review the child’s level of functioning for each objective and goal. Identify which items the child performs independently and consistently and which items are emerging. Assist
Select your program from the Account page (Note: If you have a Pro account there will only be one program listed). 2. Click on the name of the program. 3. Once in Program Details scroll down to Classrooms and then click Add Classroom. 4. Name the classroom and save to be able to add children to classrooms when entering profiles.
Robust training and technical support designed to help your program successfully use AEPSi is included. Subscribers get An introductory web-based account set-up/walkthrough for your AEPSi Account Administrator 24/7 technical support by phone and email for all users Self-guided online tutorials for AEPSi providers Online knowledge base with extensive
When conducting field test studies for AEPS -3, experienced users were able to accurately administer the AEPS -3 Test after a two-hour training and completion of the AEPS -3 Interrater Reliability course. We recommend that users familiar with the second edition read the User’s Guide and introductory chapters to the Assessment and Curriculum v
We offer flexible and cost-effective training options for AEPS-3 users. Live, virtual training from AEPS trainers is available now—your organization can host a seminar or send staff to a virtual AEPS Training Institute . An updated AEPS-3 Interrater Reliability course is also available. Live, virtual trainings focused on use of the new AEPSi syst
In AEPSi there are Child reports, Class reports, Program reports and Account reports. This includes specific reports: Score Summary, Graphed Scores, IFSP/IEP Summary, AEPS Child Progress Record, and Present Level of Functioning Report for use at IFSP/IEP meetings.
A variety of training options are available for the AEPS-3 system: Virtual training seminars, presented by AEPS experts and hosted by Brookes on Location, help ensure that staff members know AEPS-3 inside and out. AEPS-3 Training Institutes are held multiple times each year in different locations. All professionals are able to register for these tra
Log in using your username and password. Select your account or program from the dropdown menu. Once the account or program is selected the details are at the top of the screen. Scrolling down the user should see Billing details.
The Child Summary page is the central place for managing child records. Providers can make edits to the child profile, assign providers and caregivers, create and manage assessments, generate individual reports, download the Family Reports and FACS, and create journal entries.
The IFSP/IEP Summary shows all items where the target is selected on an assessment. This report can be used to help write goals for a child’s IFSP or IEP. This report contains the goal, objective, score, notes, and comments for each of the assessment areas. In addition, the report also includes a sample IFSP/IEP goal that can assist in your IFSP/IEP
The Ready-Set assessment is available in English and Spanish.
Age norms (equivalents) are not provided for items on the AEPS-3 Test. Choosing targets for intervention should not be based on children’s ages; rather, their status in each developmental area should dictate where intervention/teaching activities should begin. For children who are delayed or lack skills in a developmental area, it is critical to beg
To generate a Program report as a Program Administrator: Click here to watch the video: Click the user dropdown menu to select your program. You will be taken to the Program Details page. In the Reports section, select the report you wish to generate. The system will walk you through the necessary selections
Teachers are typically Providers so to assign a Pro vider to a child : Click the user dropdown menu to select your program. You will be taken to the Program Details page. Under the Children section, click on View next to the name of the child you would like to assign a provider. You will be taken to the Child Summary page. In the Providers section,